The Turbulence Index: Measuring Financial Risk
One of the challenges in portfolio management is the timely detection of financial market stress periods, typically characterized by an increase in volatilit...
One of the challenges in portfolio management is the timely detection of financial market stress periods, typically characterized by an increase in volatilit...
One well-known stylized fact of the Markowitz’s mean-variance framework is that, irrespective of the quality of the estimates of asset returns and (co)varian...
The Ulcer Performance Index1 (UPI) is a portfolio reward-risk measure introduced by G. Martin2 similar in spirit to the Sharpe Ratio, but using the Ulcer In...
Quantifying how diversified is a universe of assets is an open problem in quantitative finance, partly because there is no definite formula for diversificati...
In a previous post, I introduced the Hierarchical Risk Parity portfolio optimization algorithm1. In this post, I will present one of its variations, called ...