About Portfolio Optimizer
Over time, I have learned the hard way that managing an investment portfolio somewhat scientifically (think modern portfolio theory) requires strong knowledge in mathematics and in computer science, which usually takes several years to acquire.
In order to remove this barrier, I have developed Portfolio Optimizer - an easy-to-use Web API allowing any investor to access the Nobel Prize-winning science of portfolio optimization.
Of course, a general understanding of the functionalities implemented in Portfolio Optimizer is required to use them efficiently, but that’s about it.
About the free usage
I believe it is important to have financial Web APIs as accessible as possible to level out the playing field between professional and personal investors.
Making Portfolio Optimizer usable for free is part of this belief , although in order to allow as many people as possible to use it, some API limits are enforced.
About the paying usage
To benefit from higher API limits than those enforced for the free usage, you can participate to the running costs of Portfolio Optimizer.
To keep things fun, this participation takes the form of coffee(s) at BuyMeACoffee.com, with one coffee equals to one month of usage.