Volatility Forecasting: GARCH(1,1) Model
In the previous post of this series on volatility forecasting, I described the simple and the exponentially weighted moving average volatility forecasting m...
In the previous post of this series on volatility forecasting, I described the simple and the exponentially weighted moving average volatility forecasting m...
As noted in Surz1, the question “Is [a mutual fund’s]2 performance good?” can only be answered relative to something1, typically by comparing that fund to a ...
In the previous post, I introduced the index tracking problem1, which consists in finding a portfolio that tracks as closely as possible2 a given financial ...
In a previous post, I described a parametric approach to computing Value-at-Risk (VaR) - called modified VaR12 - that adjusts Gaussian VaR for asymmetry and...
An index tracking portfolio1 is a portfolio designed to track as closely2 as possible a financial market index when its exact replication3 is either impracti...